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About Us

Council for Administrators of Special Education (CASE) promotes professional leadership and provides special education administrators with opportunities for personal and professional advancement. Members receive the Journal of Special Education Leadership and the In CASE newsletter. Only CEC Members are eligible to join the divisions.

AzCASE is an official subdivision of CASE. 


Board of Directors

  • President - Tina Kauffmann
  • President Elect - Christine Ruhl
  • Secretary - Robyn Daliri
  • Treasurer - Maria Rosetti
  • Legislative Support - Brooke Williams
  • Past President - Carrie Brandon


National CASE

Council of Administrators of Special Education

SIGN UP for the national CASE Newsletter to stay informed about the latest news from our professional field. 

Last Updated:  13 January, 2021

© 2024 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.