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Recognize Someone Today!

Each year AzCEC and AzCASE present awards, grants, and scholarships to outstanding individuals. We count on you to submit nominations in each of the categories listed below. The awards committee will choose individuals to be recognized at our Annual State Conference. In addition to professionals and community members, we honor students who demonstrate an "I Can Do It" attitude.  

See Past Award Honorees

Leadership and Service Awards

This award is given to any person who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in supporting special education and/or inclusive practices. It is intended for an individual who has demonstrated leadership qualities and has accomplished something of significance to make a difference for students with disabilities. The contribution can be in general or special education, but should be one that results in improving the educational experiences and/or outcomes for students with disabilities. Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information and criteria.


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This award is for any individual within the community, representing a group, organization, or business that has contributed to the advancement and/or inclusion of  individuals with disabilities in Arizona.  Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information.


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This award is for current Arizona CASE members who are administrators or supervisors of special education and who have made a significant contribution to Arizona CASE and/or to the field of special education. Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information and criteria.

The award honors Ms. Laura Ganoung who started the first special education program in the state of Arizona in 1951.  Her many accomplishments include: starting the first homebound program, the first program for students with emotional disabilities, the first training program for special education teachers at the University of Arizona and the Howenstine School for students with developmental disabilities to help them acquire job skills so that they could become employed upon graduation. Ms. Ganoung was an innovator who was well ahead of her time and who made significant contributions to the field.


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This award is given to a special education administrator who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in supporting special education and/or building inclusive school communities. It is intended for an individual who has demonstrated leadership qualities and who has made a significant contribution that has resulted in improved services and outcomes for students with disabilities. Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information and criteria.


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Educator Awards

This award is for a AzCEC member who has contributed significantly to the education of exceptional individuals through direct student contact in instruction or a training process. The awardee can apply for the International CEC "Clarissa Hug Teacher of the Year" Award. Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information and criteria.  

The award honors Dr. Samuel A. Kirk who is internationally recognized for his accomplishments in the field of special education, while sometimes being referred to as the “Father of Special Education”. In 1963, Dr. Kirk was the first to use and define the term “learning disability”. In 1964, President John F. Kennedy appointed him the first director of the Division of Handicapped Children and Youth under the U.S. Office of Education, now the U.S. Department of Education. His commitment to students with learning disabilities led to the first ever Institute for Research on Exceptional Children in the 1960's. Dr. Kirk taught as a professor of special education at the University of Arizona from 1968 to 1985 and was also a professor emeritus at the University of Illinois.


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$250-$500 mini-grants are available to AzCEC members to Promote Innovative Practices (PIP) which are designed to enhance the learning of exceptional students and demonstrate best educational practices. Funds may be used for supplies, instructional aids, equipment or services for an individual or group. Funds cannot be used to pay for anything that normally would be paid for by the district, agency and/or family. Applications will be reviewed according to creativity, relationship to best educational practices, and appropriateness to the educational setting. Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information and criteria.


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Arizona CASE Scholarship was established as a means of encouraging individuals to choose careers in special education, especially in areas of need. This cash award will assist students in pursuing their postgraduate education. Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information and criteria.


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Student Awards

This award is given to students who have demonstrated an “I Can Do It” attitude! Students are recognized for excelling, despite their disability, in academics, art, athletics, community service, employment, self-advocacy, technology or independent life skills. The award recognition acknowledges the determination of a student to succeed, and many times the family support as well. Click on the hyperlink for this award for additional information and criteria.


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Last Updated:  6 December, 2023

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