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AZ Legislative Update 09-22-2023

AZ State Capitol Building image, From Wikimedia Commons

The Senate Committee on Director Nominations blocked another of Governor Hobbs’ agency leaders last week, further escalating the tension between the Governor’s office and Senator Jake Hoffman (R-Gilbert) – one of the most controversial figures in Arizona politics. Senate Republicans said the Committee had identified a “Manchurian candidate” who was not qualified to lead the Department of Housing; the Governor’s office said their nominee was “the best person for the job” and accused the Senate of letting “extremists” block her confirmation.

The Senate Committee’s vote is a recommendation to the full Senate, which could still vote on the nomination when it convenes next year.

While the Senate focused on Governor Hobbs’ nominee, the House opened another forum for discussion on Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs). In the first meeting of the House Ad Hoc Committee on ESA Governance & Oversight, House Speaker Ben Toma (R-Glendale) said he created the panel to study the administration and outcomes of ESAs, but warned that the Committee will not serve as another forum to debate the merits of the ESA program itself.

The House included Governor Hobbs as a member of the panel, but she asked to be removed after Speaker Toma rejected her request to be represented by Senator Christine Marsh (D-Phoenix) to represent her in the hearing. (The Governor said Senator Marsh is a highly qualified designee; the Speaker said it would be inappropriate to include a member of the Senate, since Senate Republican leaders opted not to participate in the Committee’s efforts.)

The remaining Committee members heard from an economist hired to evaluate trends relevant to the ESA program, but there are significant gaps in information about the use of ESAs. The Committee plans to meet again in November to consider more data and hear public feedback. 


Budget Update: Revenues Still Slowing

Arizona received $980.8 million in tax dollars last month, but that was $118 million less than expected and a 22% drop compared to last year. A new report says some of the decrease could be attributed to technical issues, though, and the legislative budget staff will keep monitoring the data to determine how close the state is to its projected budget balance.


In the News

Enrollment keeps growing in Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs), and the program has a new director. Arizona joined a coalition asking the federal government to limit how vaping products target teens. Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne (R) wants to get political conservatives elected to school boards. Arizona’s minimum wage will increase next year.


On the Bright Side…

Scout chose his home.  

Posted:  22 September, 2023
Author: Susie Cannata
Read more from Susie Cannata

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