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Kit for Teams

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Kit is a one-stop shop for student files, data, lessons, calendars, and more. Kit brings IEP teams together to simplify daily tasks with a collaborative approach to planning and caseload management.

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“Mental Health in Schools” is Topic of National Summit 

Content type: SET Blog
Posted:  27 April, 2023
On May 1, 2023, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is convening a group of national school mental health experts to identify collaborative approaches to building sustainable systems of school mental health supports across the nation. The leaders...

April Board Brief

Content type: SET Blog
Posted:  29 April, 2021
Welcome to Board Brief, a summary of recent decisions and actions from the CEC Board of Directors. The following is a brief summary of key outcomes from the April 17, 2021, Board of Directors meeting.

August 2022 President's Message from Dr. Danielle Kovach

Content type: SET Blog
Posted:  31 August, 2022
100 Years from Now Growing up, I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. Yes, I was that little girl who would line up her dolls and stuffed animals on the bed (alphabetically, of course) and pretend to teach them. Lessons were usually a continuation of...

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