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Kit for Teams

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Kit is a one-stop shop for student files, data, lessons, calendars, and more. Kit brings IEP teams together to simplify daily tasks with a collaborative approach to planning and caseload management.

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31 results found for “

Designing and Implementing Group Contingencies in the Classroom

Content type: Journal Article
Group contingencies are an evidence-based proactive classroom behavior management system designed for teachers to implement during instruction. These practical programs reward groups or teams of students’ contingent on following explicitly stated...

Classroom Management With Exceptional Learners

Content type: Journal Article
Managing a classroom effectively is a critical skill teachers need to maximize academic achievement, enhance student social competence, promote positive classroom climate, and support students with exceptional needs. When paired with effective instruction...

Assessing and Treating Elopement in a School Setting

Content type: Journal Article
Elopement, or running away from supervised areas, is a dangerous and problematic behavior that compromises the safety of people with disabilities at disproportionately high rates. As such, it is paramount that teachers know how to respond to elopement...

Group Contingencies to Improve Classwide Behavior of Young Children

Content type: Journal Article
Group contingencies are flexible and effective interventions that support the behavior of an entire group. They are appropriate for use with a variety of behaviors—including engagement, social competence, and appropriate behavior—of children with and...

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