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Kit for Teams

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Kit is a one-stop shop for student files, data, lessons, calendars, and more. Kit brings IEP teams together to simplify daily tasks with a collaborative approach to planning and caseload management.

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5 results found for “

Collaborating with Colleagues and Co-Teaching Like a Pro

Content type: Webinar
Understand the special educator's role in an effective co-teaching relationship and review successful co-teaching models for in-person and/or virtual environments. Topics covered in this recorded workshop: Establishing and maintaining relationships with...

The Power of Paraprofessionals with Rebecca Muller & Debi Vesper

Content type: Webinar
There has been a big question about how to utilize paraprofessionals during remote/hybrid learning. These individuals sometimes referred to as educational assistants or aides in the classroom are essential to the special education population. But how are...
This content is available for Members only
New Jersey Unit

Co-Teaching in a Remote Learning Environment with MaryAnn Joseph

Content type: Webinar
Students who have In-Class Resource Programming (CoTeach) as a program option in their IEP must be provided this support where instruction is happening whether in person or remote. In this workshop, various co teach models will be explored and applied to a...
This content is available for Members only
New Jersey Unit

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