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Kit for Teams

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Kit is a one-stop shop for student files, data, lessons, calendars, and more. Kit brings IEP teams together to simplify daily tasks with a collaborative approach to planning and caseload management.

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4 results found for “

Managing Challenging Behavior 1.0: Do These Things First

Content type: Webinar
There are scores of textbooks, websites, and other resources describing theories and interventions for challenging behavior in schools, and sorting through such information can be more overwhelming than helpful. In reality, a few fundamentals probably...

Data-Based Behavior Plans: What Do They Look Like?

Content type: Webinar
In this webinar, you’ll get a step-by-step look at what an effective and feasible behavior plan looks like. Discover how you can collect and use data to identify and define challenging behavior and its purposes. Then, you’ll see what a well-constructed...

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