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Kit for Teams

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Kit is a one-stop shop for student files, data, lessons, calendars, and more. Kit brings IEP teams together to simplify daily tasks with a collaborative approach to planning and caseload management.

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21 results found for “

What Does it Take to Scale up and Sustain Evidence-Based Practices?

Content type: Journal Article
This article discusses the strategic scaling up of evidence-based practices. The authors draw from the scholarly work of fellow special education researchers and from the field of learning sciences. The article defines scaling up as the process by which...

To Adapt or Not to Adapt

Content type: Journal Article
When implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs), experts assert adaptations (deliberate or accidental changes to EBPs) are an inevitable part of the implementation process. Some adaptations are undesirable and should be avoided. Others, however, may...

Evaluating Special Educator Effectiveness

Content type: Journal Article
States are increasingly using value-added approaches to evaluate teacher effectiveness. There is much debate regarding whether these methods should be employed and, if employed, what role such methods should play in comprehensive teacher evaluation systems...

Unequal Opportunities

Content type: Journal Article
This study profiles the qualifications and preparation of special educators from the 2003–2004 Schools and Staffing Survey and investigates their relationship with teaching in a high-poverty school. Based on Berne and Stiefel’s (1984) equal opportunity...

Impact of Enhanced Anchored Instruction in Inclusive Math Classrooms

Content type: Journal Article
The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics will place more pressure on special education and math teachers to raise the skill levels of all students, especially those with disabilities in math (MD). The purpose of this study was to assess the effects...

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