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Kit for Teams

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Kit is a one-stop shop for student files, data, lessons, calendars, and more. Kit brings IEP teams together to simplify daily tasks with a collaborative approach to planning and caseload management.

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7 results found for “

ISET Tools: Technology Tools Menu for Special Educators (UDL Edition)

Content type: Laminated Guide
The Council for Exceptional Children partnered with its Innovations in Special Education Technology (ISET) Division to produce this laminated guide that provides a range of tools for Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Learn about multiple means of...

Teacher Education: Using AI in Designing and Delivering Courses

Content type: Webinar
As the knowledge, tools, and best practices for the use of AI in special education develop, it’s important that, as a leading organization, we follow suit. To that end, TED, TAG, and ISET present an expert panel webinar on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in...

Guidance for the Socioculturally Sustaining Educator

Content type: Webinar
This seminar will introduce inclusive practices and anti-ableism in special education and apply theory to educational frameworks and classroom strategies. We will review UDL, I-MTSS, RTI, PBIS, and SEL through a critical lens. Finally, participants will...

Demystifying SDI

Content type: Webinar
Are accommodations Specially Designed Instruction? What about UDL or HLPs? This interactive session will help demystify specially designed instruction, or SDI, for students with disabilities and clarify why accommodations, UDL, and HLPs are not SDI...

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