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Kit for Teams

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Kit is a one-stop shop for student files, data, lessons, calendars, and more. Kit brings IEP teams together to simplify daily tasks with a collaborative approach to planning and caseload management.

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7 results found for “

How I Encourage Independence in the Classroom

Content type: SET Blog
Posted:  15 January, 2020
Student reach the greatest levels of independence when all staff members are working together to teach and encourage new independent skills. Here are three ways I encourage independence in my classroom and work to build my students skills each and every...

Daily Behavior Visual Schedule

Content type: Teacher Resource
Visual schedule and behavior chart. Easily editable to fit your student's needs. Great for daily check-ins. My students love to work for prizes by earning smiley faces!

Outcomes survey for peers who participate in peer-mediated interventions and programs

Content type: Teacher Resource
This resource is a valid and reliable measure called the Peer-Mediated Impact Survey for Peers (PMIS:P). This survey requires peers to respond to 46 items and report how they were impacted by their most recent or current peer-mediated intervention or program (PMI). Each of the 46 items are represented within seven thematic areas: (1) skill and intra-personal development, (2) self-worth impact, (3) changes in views, (4) social impact, (5) advocacy impact, (6) rewarding impact, and (7) future impact. Sample items include: “I am a better advocate for people with disabilities.” “I have more favorable views toward inclusion.” and “I developed...

6 Hacks for Connecting With Students From a Distance

Content type: SET Blog
Posted:  25 September, 2020
While online learning can seem daunting at first, there are many simple and inspirational things we can do to create a deeper connection and bring a powerful sense of joy to our remote learning and therapy sessions. Here is an easy to follow guide for your...

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